I was inspired to create the Community project after reading Studs Terkel’s Working. I started my photojournalism work over four years ago, on my Instagram account @dovsphotos. I was always fascinated by portraits but Terkel’s work as well as other photojournalists I admire, such as Jeremy Cohen and Brandon Stanton, showed me the power of storytelling, and have served as mentors for me while creating the project. I originally intended this project to focus solely on the intricacies of every worker’s job that I interviewed. As I conducted more of the interviews though, I realized that I wanted them all to have a uniting theme. Community was what I decided on. The people I chose as my subjects helped create my community, so why not interview them on how they create their own? With the Community project, I explore the many professions in my New York community and how those professions explore their own community.